What is dbEBV
The dbEBV (the database of Epstein-Barr Virus) is a database, which hosted the curated 942 EBV genomes with 109,893 variant loci from different tissues or cell lines in 24 countries. The details about the genomes including EBV type, sample type, phenotype and NPC incidence were integrated. Furthermore, the evolutionary trees based on entire genomes or individual genes have been constructed and interactively visualized. Various search and browse options were provided in the database for convenient queries.
How to use dbEBV
In home page, you can just input a sample ID or a strain name to get the detailed information of a certain EBV. You can also input a variant ID search the frequency of a certain variant, or you can input a chromosome location to search the frequency of all the variant in a certain position.

We have classified all the EBVs by location, phenotype, NPC incidence, EBV type and sample type, and the detailed statistics is shown on the left. You can choose one characteristic to see the related EBVs, the results are listed in a table on the right, and the statistics of the subgroup is displayed at the bottom.

We have built the evolutionary trees of all EBVs based on whole genome or single gene, and you can choose the options of your interest to rebuild the trees. The plug-in has provided some functions to make further modifications.

The result page of EBV includes three parts of contents, including related information, classified information and variant information, and you can click one variant locus and jump to the result page of variant.
The result page of variant displays the global distribution of the variant and its frequency, the detailed information is listed in a table on the below.